Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Haaappy birthday, Maria!

I hope your day has been super amazing, full of good food and hilarious and/or awkward moments.  Because nothing is better than joy, good food and being able to utter "어색한...." every few minutes.  Or at least that seems to be the pattern in those korean shows you keep telling me to watch.  ;)

Nah, but seriously, enjoy your day.  I hope the Lord enveloped you in a bear-hug of His love and goodness!
<3 Megan.

1 comment:

  1. hahah, HEY Megan!!

    I miss seeing you around b/c you're so caring and crazy, HAHA! it's always good to cu and I remember how you were one of the first ppl I got to know a bit when I first came back to Philly!

    thanx for your friendship! remember when I used to tag along to your seminary classes and eat korean food w/you?

    congrats again on your next BIG move (marriage!).

    missing you!
    =) Maria
