Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Haiku from Elli

Dear Maria,

Happy birthday and hello from Newark!  I considered posting a video as well, but it's 2:30am and I feel weird trying to record myself -- and also, I look crazy.  Anyway, so I figured I'd blow your mind with a birthday haiku.  I suggest you take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and prepare yourself for some serious poetic insight:

You're seven years old
But you're also twenty-eight
That's a miracle

Mind blown?  Haha.  Well, I just want to say that I'm grateful for your friendship, Maria.  It's always lovely when I see you when I come home because you're always so welcoming and genuinely interested in how I'm doing.  Ever since I met you in Chinatown that time we got locked out of Victor's apartment, I've appreciated your kindness, the way you are able to spread joy through laughter, and how you're willing to listen (even when I go on and on about how much I love Sufjan Stevens).  I'm glad to have known you during my time in Philly and hope for even more fun times when I come back.  I hope you enjoy your once-in-four-years-real birthday today and learn something new about how God loves you as you experience it through your life.

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Elli, why ru so funny? there's a reason you're a writer...=) =)

    thank YOU for always inspiring me w/your passion for things, such AS Sufjan, hahah. I have to say that although I may not totally understand everything about it, for some reason it makes me happy when you and Brianna get really excited about it, haha!!

    I'm SO glad you're having an awesome time in grad school and seriously am interested since I dunno many Asians into literature and English...=).

    hope you have a supa semester and that I get to see you more!!
    =) Maria
